Lynn Schirmer

A Very Nice Tribute

Real Change News does a feature on Su Job.

Thank you Cyd Gillis.

In the summer of 2008, Su Job had a problem that, for once in her life, she could not power through, laugh off or fix: A pain in her back had gotten so bad that she needed a cane to walk, but every time she went to Group Health for help, they told her it was just a yoga injury and sent her home.

One night in November, despairing at her decline, a few of her neighbors and fellow artists at Pioneer Square’s Tashiro-Kaplan Artist Lofts took matters into their own hands. They bundled Job in a car and took her to Seattle’s Virginia Mason Hospital, where the next day, Job got some very bad news.

Lynn Schirmer was holding her hand when the doctor told Job that she had cancer throughout her body and, at most, had six months to live. Just 52, Job took the news calmly, asking the doctor questions. Then, Schirmer says, “She looked at me and squeezed my hand and she said, ‘Well, I had a good life.’”

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